Saturday 7 April 2012

Gambar terkini Serigala Malaya. Mempunyai aksesori yang cantik dan potongan badan yang menarik.
The latest picture of Serigala Malaya. Having beautiful part of the body and also got nice body cutting.

Tarik tetapi belum selam... harap-harap boleh la selam pulak lepas ni... Insyaallah...
The head was stretch back but not fully stretch yet... hopefully he can fully stretch soon.. Insyaallah.

Saiznya sangat kecil. Berat 230 gram. Anda boleh ramalkan saiz ayam ini dengan lihat gambar di atas..
 The size was very small. The weight is 230 gram. You can predict this rooster size from the above picture...

 Balung lilin.. licin dan berkilat. Berwarna merah terang bagai api yang membara.. lebih-lebih la pulop... sorii.
Waxy crown.. smooth and shiny. The colour is brightly red like a fire...

Ekor yang kembang terbuka, tersusun dan lawi keras terpacak bagai pedang.. Tu belum mekap lagi tuu... mandipun dok lagi..
The tail was open, nice arrangement and the top tail was hard and straight like a sword..

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