Monday 29 July 2019

4 Penyakit berbahaya bagi ayam (4 Dangerous diseases of chicken)

Viral diseases
Diseases caused by viruses include New Castle Disease (NCD), Bird flu, Marek’s disease, Gumboro, Fowl pox. It is critical to ensure you vaccinate your flock against viral diseases that are endemic in your area. Bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics and some can be prevented with vaccination. Examples are Fowl cholera, Infectious coryza, Mycoplasmosis, Fowl typhoid.

Time-tested solution

Caution should be observed when introducing new flock or chicken into the farm. Birds that recover usually act as carriers and easily spread the disease to uninfected chicken. “All-in/all-out” system is the ideal technique of preventing the disease. Birds of different ages should not be mixed together. Transmission is normally by direct bird-to-bird contact as well as contamination of feed and water. Proper hygiene and biosecurity should be implemented in the poultry farm. Treatment with water soluble antibacterials can be used mainly erythromycin, tetracycline and sulfa drugs.

Infectious Coryza

This is one of the most common diseases being encountered by farmers as well as the vets on the ground. The farmer will report signs of swollen face/eyes — one or both eyes. Sticky discharge from the eyes and nostrils is also noted. Other clinical signs that may be observed are diarrhoea and respiratory signs – rales (snoring) and nasal discharge. Spread of the disease is perpetuated by multiple-age flocks.

Marek’s disease

This is one of the most ubiquitous poultry viral diseases; occurring worldwide. It is a type of cancer that affects the nervous system of the chicken. Pheasants, quail and turkeys may occasionally be infected. The disease mostly affects birds older than three weeks with the highest cases reported in birds between 12 to 25 weeks of age. Symptoms include lameness and paralysis, unthriftness, weight loss and greenish diarrhoea may be observed in the terminal stages. Mortality usually exceeds 60 per cent if the flock is unvaccinated. The virus is shed through the feather dander and may survive for months in the poultry house litter or dust. Birds with clinical signs should be culled. Marek’s has no treatment. Chicks need to be vaccinated at the hatchery level. To be on the safe side, it is paramount to source chicks from reputable hatcheries that vaccinate day-old-chicks against Marek’s disease.


Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoa that is universally present in poultry-raising establishments. The clinical disease occurs only after ingestion of large numbers of the infective organism by susceptible birds. Contaminated feeds, water and soil act as the routes of transmission to other chicken. Mechanical carriers such as equipment, human clothing and footwear help in spread of the protozoa. Severe diarrhoea and high mortality are reported in grave cases of coccidiosis. Bloody droppings/diarrhoea is a common observation. Depression, decreased weight gain and dehydration may be witnessed in long-standing cases. It is worth noting that feed companies normally include anticoccidials when formulating poultry feeds. These are chemicals that are generally included in feeds and help prevent the acute disease as well as reduce losses associated with the infection. Once clinical signs are observed, water medication with drugs such as amprolium, sulfadimethoxine and trimethoprim can be used. Vitamin A and K should also be included to improve the rate of recovery as well as prevent secondary infections.

Cases of misdiagnosis usually occur when farmers or animal caregivers miss out vital clinical signs when reporting a disease to a veterinary officer. With that reality, it is crucial for farmers to be as detailed as possible when reporting a disease occurrence in their farm. It is always advisable for the farmer to sacrifice one sick bird for postmortem purpose and in return save the rest of the birds with the correct diagnosis and consequent correct medication. – The writer is a veterinarian surgeon and runs Nature Kuku, a farm in Naivasha that produces kuku kienyeji breed and trains small holder farmers.

Find the original post on Bizna's website

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Penyakit Ayam Berak Kapur (Pullorum Diesease)

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Penyakit ayam berak kapur ini sangat berbahaya dan boleh mengakibatkan kadar kematian yang tinggi kepada ayam berusia 1-10 hari. Penyakit berak kapur bukan hanya menyerang ayam, tetapi unggas lain seperti burung puyuh, burung, itik, angsa dan lain-lain. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh bakteria samonella pullorum dan gram bakteria negatif yang boleh bertahan lebih daripada 1 tahun di dalam tanah.

Secara amnya, pembuangan air kapur adalah penyakit yang sangat biasa, walaupun ia menjejaskan ayam pada pelbagai peringkat tetapi kadar kematian tertinggi adalah kepada anak ayam yang baru yang menetas sebanyak 40% dan kadar kematian atau kematian sebanyak 85%.

Jangkitan Penyakit berak kapur secara umum, melalui dua cara:
1. Dari ibu kepada anaknya, contoh seperti melalui telur.
2. Melalui hubungan langsung, contohnya peralatan, sangkar, sampah dan pakaian dari pekerja sangkar yang tercemar.

Gejala klinikal penyakit kapur ayam
Secara umumnya, ayam yang diserang penyakit akan mengalami perubahan dalam organ yang diserang. Ayam akan mengalami perubahan dalam patologi organ hati dan limpa akan membesar dan juga diikuti dengan omfalitis. Sekiranya sudah menderita kronik maka organ-organ dalaman akan mengalami keradangan.

Najis ayam berwarna putih, seperti kapur pada umumnya.
Najis cair akan melekat pada bahagian rektum yang akan menjadi putih.
Cloaca akan kotoran kering dan lengket.
Kerandut akan berwarna pucat
Mata akan ditutup dan selera makan akan berkurangan atau berkurang.
Keadaan ayam akan lemah dan pergerakan perlahan.
Kedua-dua sayap akan menggantung dan kelihatan membosankan.
Berpengalaman lumpuh oleh arthritis.
Perubahan dalam patologi penyakit kapur ayam

Diagnosis penyakit berak kapur ayam belanda
Penyakit berak kapur yang disebabkan bakteria salmonella pullorum boleh dikaji melalui organ hati, usus, dan kuning telur dengan melakukan pembiakan ke dalam medium. Ayam yang sudah dijangkiti dapat dikenal pasti dengan gumpalan darah yang cepat.

Pencegahan berak kapur mati

Pencegahan untuk penyakit berak kapur pada ayam boleh dilakukan dengan cara membersihkan reban, peralatan, membersihkan sisa makanan dalam reban, melakukan program sanitasi dan sebaiknya menggunakan antiseptic untuk membantu mengurangkan bakteria atau kulat yang melekat dalam reban. Selain itu, pemberian makanan yang berkhasiat, dan melakukan penyuntikan antibiotik dengan baik untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh ayam dari serangan berbagai macam penyakit.

Rawatan penyakit kapur ayam

Rawatan boleh boleh dilakukan dengan menyuntikan antibiotik, misalnya coccilin, neo terramycin, tetra atau mycomas sesuai dengan dos yang di tentukan. Biasanya suntikan ini boleh dilakukan di sayap. Jika ayam sudah kritikal, sebaiknya lakukan pemusnahan untuk memutuskan kitaran bakteria yang menyebabkan berak kapur kembali. Pemusnahan sebaiknya, dilakukan penimbunan yang jauh dari reban maupun ayam lain untuk mengelakkan pencemaran bakteria yang ada di dalam ayam yang terkena penyakit tersebut.

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