Sunday, 30 August 2015

Video induk selam (Fully headpull serama hen video's)

Dada montok..
Big chest..

Kepala dah tarik habis..
Her head was fully pull..

Gaya angkat sebelah kaki..
Standing with one leg style..

Ini videonya..
This is her video's

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Projek mas 10 (Solid gold project)

Belum ada lagi jantan yang ekor banyak warna kuning seperti ini.
For the first time I have a male with more golden tail..

Jantan ini membawa harapan baru..
This male brings a new hope..

 Untuk hasilkan banyak lagi warna kuning mas 10..
To produce more solid gold seramas..

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Arjuna Malaya

Macam best jer foto ni.. 
Somethings special about this photo..

Monday, 24 August 2015

Video induk ekor kelabu (The grey tail serama hen video's)

Warna emas yang sangat berkilau..
Very shiny golden colour

Mempunyai aksesori yang sangat menarik..
Also got a very nice accessories..

Mari kita bergoyang.. Layannn.. Huhuhu
Let us dancing.. Just for fun.. Huhuhu

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Induk dan anak mereka (The serama hen and their chicks)

One and two..

Two and three..

Three and four..

Four and five..

Five and six..

Six and all 15 my serama hen's was taking care of their chicks for the second batch of this year..

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Friday, 21 August 2015

Pertandingan serama di Melaka 06.09.2015 (Serama contest at Malacca 06.09.2015)

Anjuran Serama Marzuki dan disokong oleh Kelab Peminat Serama Melaka
Arrange by Serama Marzuki and supported by Kelab Peminat Serama Melaka

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Mas Kecil (The Smalll Gold)

Dada sado..
Tuff chest..

Badan lentik..
Sexy body..

Hampir dah nak selam..
Almost fully head pull..

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Angsa Malaya (The Malayan Swan)

Warnanya putih..
White feathers..

Lehernya panjang..
Long neck..

Siapakah dia??? Hihihi..
Who he is??? Hihihi..

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Karbonate Malaya

Umur sebulan
A month old

Dah ada gaya
Start to perform his style

Mudah-mudahan makin menarik bila dah besar sikit lagi.
Hopefully he can be better when he growing up.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Baka Malaya (The Malayan Blood line)

Nampaknya anak-anak yang keluar kali ini banyak yang sedap mata memandang.
More of serama chicks that was produced for this time are looking nice.

Mungkin darah antara serama yang ada di Reban Malaya sudah mencapai tahap keserasian.
Maybe the genetics among them now are matching with each others.

Sejauh mana boleh pergi Baka Malaya ini penentunya perlu diuji di bon juga akhirnya.
To know the performance of this Malayan Blood line lastly should be testing in a serama contest.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

3 induk rinting bawa anak (3 tricolour hens taking care of their chicks)

Generasi rinting kali ini..
This tricolour generation..

Kita tengok apa akan jadi..
We wait and see what it will be..

Mudah-mudahan sedap mata memandang..
Hopefully they will be good looking..

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Sunday, 2 August 2015