Saturday 28 January 2017

Kapten Aura (Captain Aura)

Pemimpin bahagian timur Armada Malaya
Lead at the east region of The Malayan Armada's

Keupayaan tempur dalam banjir
The fighting ability in a flood


Wednesday 25 January 2017

Kapten Barbossa (Captain Barbossa)

Pemimpin bahagian selatan Armada Malaya..
Lead at the south region of The Malayan Aramada's.. 

Keupayaan tempur tahap cipan..
The fighting power at the Cipan level..


Sunday 22 January 2017

3 generasi (3rd generations)




Saturday 21 January 2017

Video induk kubing dengan anaknya (Brownie hen with her chick video's)

Ada anak sekor saja.. Alhamdulillah.
One chick only..

Just for fun..

Friday 20 January 2017

Mana satu pilihan awek ekor kelabu ini ...(Which one will win her heart)

Mau yang inikah..
Want this one..


Atau yang inikah..
Or this one..

Pertandingan serama di Alor Setar, Kedah 28.01.2017 (Serama contest at Alor Setar, Kedah 28.01.2017)

Anjuran Persatuan Peminat Ayam Serama Kedah
Organized by Persatuan Peminat Ayam Serama Kedah

Saturday 14 January 2017

Video ibu dan anak rinting (Mottled mother and daughter video's)

Semoga bahagia selamanya...Aminn..
May happy forever and after.. Ameen..

Just for fun..

Friday 13 January 2017

Monday 9 January 2017

Pelapis putih (White for reserved)

Even his posture not very extreme..

Sebab warna putih kita simpan dulu..
I just keep it because his colour is white..

Tengok anak-anak dia nanti macam mana.. huhuhu
Just look and see what will happen to his next generation.. huhuhu

Saturday 7 January 2017

Pelapis kuning ekor kelabu (The yellow and grey tail reserved)

Akibat sengketa..
Because of fighting..

Putus balungnya..
His comb becomes damage..
