Tuesday 31 May 2016

Puteri Rinting Malaya (The Malayan Mottled Princess)

Puteri Rinting 1.. Ekornya terbaikkk...
Princes 1.. Nice tail

Puteri Rinting 2.. Kaki hijau 
Princes 2.. Green legs

Puteri Rinting 3.. Kaki kuning
Princes 3.. Yellow legs

Monday 30 May 2016

Barisan Panglima Muda Malaya (A troop of The Malayan Young Warriors)

Panglima Hitam
The Black Warrior

Panglima Merah
The Red Warrior

Panglima Rinting
The Mottled Warrior

Panglima Kuning
The Yellow Warrior

Panglima Kumbang Lilin
The Ginger Warrior

Saturday 28 May 2016

Video Kuda Laut Malaya (The Malayan Seahorse video's)

Baru belajar bergaya di atas meja..
Start to perform on a table top..

Bakat yang masih perlu di asah... Layannn...
The talent that still need to polish... Just for fun...

Friday 27 May 2016

Juara Tempur Malaya 2016 (The Malayan Champion Fighter 2016)

Antara hasil tahun ini yang mencapai tahap Juara Tempur Malaya..
Some of my products that gain The Malayan Champion Fighter level..

Juara Tempur Malaya adalah satu gelaran yang saya beri di Reban Malaya yang menunjukkan ayam tersebut mencapai kualiti untuk game.. Huhuhuhu...
The Malayan Champion Fighter is a title that I give for my serama that having good quality for contest... Huhuhuhu..

Memperkenalkan.. Inilah dia Kuda Laut Malaya.. Anak kepada Kuda Perang Malaya.. Huhuhuhu
Introducing.... This is The Malayan Seahorse.. The son of The Malayan Fighting Horse... Huhuhuhu

Sunday 15 May 2016

Induk KLCC (A tall hen)

Warna jalak..
White body and black tail..

Lonjak dada..
Jumping up her chest..

Boleh tahan..
Not bad..

Friday 13 May 2016

Kating rinting RnD terbaru di Reban Malaya (The new mottled RnD posture at The Malayan Farm)


Lonjak dada...
Jumping up her chest...

Dan selam...
And fully head pull...

Saturday 7 May 2016

Wednesday 4 May 2016

3 lawan 1 (3 vs 1)

Semua 4 ekor ini adalah anak batch pertama tahun ni..
This 4 seramas are the first batch productions of this year..

Sudah masuk remaja..
They becomes teenaged already..

Kita post dulu 3 ekor kuning kat atas ni..
I just put this 3 yellow cockerels first..

lawan dengan sekor ara.. huhuhu 
Versus this ara .. huhuhu