Saturday 26 December 2015

Pertandingan serama peringkat antarabangsa di Kota Bharu, Kelantan 06.02.2016 (International serama contest at Kota Bharu, Kelantan 06.02.2016)

Anjuran Pusat Penerangan Pelancongan Negeri Kelantan bersama KERISMA
Arrange by Pusat Penerangan Pelancongan Negeri Kelantan with KERISMA

Thursday 24 December 2015

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Pertandingan serama di Jerantut, Pahang 16.01.2016 (Serama contest at Jerantut, Pahang 16.01.2016)

Anjuran Kelab Setiakawan Jerantut dan Persatuan Serama Tok Gajah
Arrange by Kelab Setiakawan Jerantut dan Persatuan Serama Tok Gajah

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Thursday 17 December 2015

Untung sabut (The lucky fate)

Agaknya apa dah jadi pada 2 beradik ini bila dah besar??
What happens to this twin brothers when they growing up??

Ini gambar anak yang sebelah kiri itu.. Huhuhu
This picture belongs to the chick at the left.. Huhuhu

Dan ini gambar anak yang sebelah kanan itu.. Hihihi
And this picture belongs to the chick at the right.. Hihihihi

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Projek 2016 (Project 2016)

Kalau jantannya begini..
If the male is like this..

Betinanya pula begini..
 Then the female is like this..

Bagaimana rupa anaknya nanti ????
What kind of chicks it could be produce ????

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Tiga kuda pemberi semangat Serama Malaya (Three horses rising the spirit of Serama Malaya)

Kuda Liar Malaya
The Malayan Wild Horse

Kuda Perang Malaya
The Malayan Fighting Horse

Kuda Kepang Malaya
The Malayan Dancing Horse

Sunday 13 December 2015

Suasana bon di Bukit Bunga, Tanah Merah, Kelantan (Serama contest scenarios at Bukit Bunga, Tanah Merah, Kelantan)

Pegadil sedang mengadili ayam serama
The judges was judging the seramas

Ayam yang menunggu giliran untuk dinilai
The seramas was waiting for evaluation

Petugas sedang menguruskan pertandingan
The staff are working during the event

Perserta dari pelbagai negeri
The contestants all over the country

Beramah mesra mengeratkan silaturrahim
Strengthen the relationship among them

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Kuda Kepang Malaya (The Malayan Dancing Horse)

Waktu siang
Day time

Waktu mandi
Bath time

Waktu malam
Night time

Tuesday 8 December 2015

3 budak tak berapa itam (3 boys)

3 budak tak berapa itam... Main atas meja..
1 jatuh ke bawah...
3 boys playing on a table top.. 1 falling down...

Tinggallah 2.... 2 budak tak berapa itam main baling batu.. 1 dah kena baling..
2 was left... 2 boys playing throwing a stone..
1 was shutting down..

Tinggallah 1... Kasian... Dok sorang-sorang dan jadi gila akhirnya.. Kikikikiki...
Then only 1 was left.. So pity.. Living alone and lastly he becomes crazy.. Kikikikiki..

Monday 7 December 2015

Video Princess Malaya (Princess Malaya video's)

Mana kepalanya hilang?
Where her head was missing?

Ohhh... Ada rupanya... Kikikikiki
Ooooo.. Here it is.. Kikikikiki

Ini videonya... Layannn..
This is her video's... Just for fun..

Friday 4 December 2015

Princess Malaya

Generasi terkini di Reban Malaya
The latest generation at The Malayan Small Farm

Masih anak dara lagi
Young pullet

Harapan baru
The new hope

Sunday 29 November 2015

Induk dara (Pullets)




Tuesday 24 November 2015

Viva Rinting Malaya (Viva The Malayan Mottlet)

Masih ramai rupanya peminat rinting..
There are many fans of this colour..

Bila post gambar ini kat fb ramai juga yang like... Maknanya ramai lagi peminat rinting di luar sana..
When I post this picture at my facebook wall many peoples like it.. That means there are still a lot of fans of this colour..

Rugilah kalau kita terlalu menumpukan perhatian kepada warna tertentu sahaja dan mengabaikan warna yang lain
So sad if we just focus on certain colours only and leave away the others

Monday 23 November 2015

Kuda Perang Malaya (The Malayan Fighting Horse)

Bentuk tubuh yang cantik
Beautiful body shape

Aksesori yang menarik
Nice accessories

Cuma ekor belum penuh lagi
Only his tails are not complete yet

Sunday 22 November 2015

Sebright Malaya masuk remaja (The Malayan Sebright becomes teenagers)

Warna sebrightnya belum sempurna
His sebright colour still unperfect yet

Warnanya perlu di upgrade lagi bagi generasi akan datang
The colour must be upgraded for next generations

Ciri-ciri lain dah nampak menonjol seperti sayap lempar
Another characteristics was build well such as his wings goes forward

Dah mula angkat dada
Start jumping up his chest

Balung mancis
Small and nice comb

Saturday 21 November 2015

Thursday 19 November 2015

Pertandingan serama di Ayer Keroh, Melaka 29.11.2015 (Serama contest at Ayer Keroh, Malacca 29.11.2015)

Anjuran Pusat Kraf Negeri Melaka dan disokong oleh KPSM
Arrange by Pusat Kraf Negeri Melaka and supported by KPSM