Wednesday 30 September 2015

Tak ku sangka.. cempedak dah jadi nangka (Unpredictable)

Siapa sangka dulunya dia begini..
Who knows he was like this before..

Sekarang dah jadi begini..
Now he was change like this..

Serama memang sukar dijangka..
Serama is unpredictable..

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Warna cemar (Dirty colour)

Mungkin anda pernah mendengar istilah warna cemar ini
Maybe you had listen before about the words of dirty colour

Warna cemar ini akan ditolak markah dalam pertandingan serama
This dirty colour will cause your serama points will be deducted in a serama contest

Hanya warna dibahagian dada sahaja yang terlibat. Perhatikan ayam ini.. Warna bahagian dadanya dicemari oleh warna hitam dan ia dikatakan warna cemar
Only the colour at the chest was involved. Look at this rooster.. The colour at his chest was polluted with the black colour and this is called the dirty colour

Monday 28 September 2015

Video induk serama selam (Fully headpull serama hen video's)

Kepala tersorok antara dada dan ekor
The head is hiding between the chest and the tail

Dada lebih tinggi daripada kepala
The chest becomes higher than the head

Ini adalah bentuk badan serama yang ekstrim
This is the serama extreme body posture

Sebelum ini saya ada post video induk selam juga tapi gaya selam berbeza sedikit dengan induk yang ini.. Anda boleh bandingkan gayanya..
I had post a video of fully headpull serama hen before this but the headpull style between that hen and this hen are different.. You can compare their headpull styles..

Sunday 27 September 2015

Aura Malaya

Aura Malaya namanya.
His name is Aura Malaya

Juara Tempur Malaya yang diharapkan boleh dihantar untuk bertempur
The Malayan Fighter to be sent for battle

Harap-haraplah ada bon yang dekat-dekat untuk uji serama ini
Hopefully there is a contest around my place to test his ability

Saturday 26 September 2015

Video anak dara umur dua bulan (A two months old serama pullet video's)

Umur lebih kurang dua bulan
About two months old

Suka melonjakkan dadanya
Enjoy jumping her chest

Ini videonya.. Layaaaannn
This is her video's. Just for fun..

Friday 25 September 2015

Video anak kecil umur sebulan (A month old brownie chick video's)

Umur sebulan lebih
About a month old

Sudah nampak bergaya
Start to show off

Ini videonya. Layaaann..
This is her video's

Thursday 24 September 2015

Emas kembar (The twins gold)

Emas kembar ini menarik pula melihatnya
This twins gold getting nice to watch

Walaupun masih ada sedikit warna hitam tetapi warna emasnya dominan dari kepala sampai ke ekor
Even still have the black colour but the golden colour is dominant from head to the tail

Jika boleh selam memang rezeki durian runtuh tahun ini
If they can makes a fully head pull it was so lucky this year

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Anak betina batch tahun ini (The females batch of this year)

Umur lebih kurang sebulan
About a month old

Umur lebih kurang sebulan
About a month old

Umur lebih kurang sebulan setengah
About one and half months old

Umur lebih kurang sebulan setengah
About one and half months old

Umur lebih kurang dua bulan
About two months old

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Si kenit.. (The Hobbit)

Nampak dalam gambar macam besar.
In a picture he is looking bigger.

Boleh agak sebesar manakah ayam ini?
Can you predict the size of this cockerel?

Saiz cuma segengam ajer.
Just a handful size.

Monday 21 September 2015

Kurik kecil.. (Spotted chick)

Warna unik...
Unique colour...

Ada rupa..
Nice looking..

Ada gaya..
Got styles..

Sunday 20 September 2015

Juara Tempur Malaya 2015 (The Malayan Fighter 2015)

Baru nak masuk kategori remaja..
Almost get into teenagers category..

Harapan menggunung...
Brings a big hope..

Moga menjadi sesuatu..
To be somethings..

Friday 18 September 2015

Punah harapan.. (My hope is ruin..)

Warna kegemaran saya..
My favorite colour..

Paruh dengan kaki kuning satu set memang terbaik..
Beak and legs both are yellow are the best..

Tapi kating hancuss... Huhuhuhu..
But his body posture not so nice.. Huhuhuhu..

Thursday 17 September 2015

Pertandingan serama di Pendang, Kedah 03.10.2015 (Serama contest at Pendang, Kedah 03.10.2015)

Anjuran Persatuan Peminat Ayam Serama Kedah (PPASK)
Arrange by Persatuan Peminat Ayam Serama Kedah (PPASK)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Lama tak keluar warna ara ni.. (After long time not seen this colour)

Mula-mula letak atas meja nampak belunjur saja.
First time put on a table top he just look like having an ordinary posture.

Selepas itu mula nak dongak..
After that he starts to lift up..

Dia ada bakat rupanya..
I just realize that he got a talent..

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pak Tua (The Old Man)

Masih ingat lagi dengan serama ini?
Do you still remember of this serama?

Ini adalah pembaka tua saya.
This is my old breeding rooster.

Namanya Predator Malaya.
His name is Predator Malaya.

Ini adalah sebab utama kenapa khidmat pembaka tua ini ditagih kembali.. Anaknya..
This is the main reason why the service of the old man was calling again.. His son..

Sunday 13 September 2015

Pertandingan serama di Kuala Terengganu pada 03.10.2015 (Serama contest at Kuala Terengganu on 03.10.2015)

Boleh hubungi nombor telefon yang tertera pada poster ini untuk keterangan lanjut.
You can contact the phone number in this poster for further informations.