Friday 31 October 2014

Tips untuk meluruskan balung ayam serama (How to straight up the seramas comb)

Dapatkan gunting dan masking tape..
Get a pair of scissor and a masking tape.

Potong masking tape tadi ikut anggaran saiz balung ayam tetapi lebihkan sedikit..
Cut the masking tape according to the size of the comb but make it a little bit longer..

Lekatkan pada bahagian sisi sebelah balung ayam dahulu..
Stick it at the first side of the comb first..

Kemudian lipat masking tape dan lekatkan pada bahagian sebelah lagi.
Then fold the masking tape and stick it at the another side of the comb.

Potong masking tape ikut bentuk balung ayam..
Cut the masking tape according to the shape of the comb..

Kalau nak nampak cantik boleh potong ikut celah bilah balung ayam biar nampak ada seni sikit.. huhuhu
If you want it looking better then cut the masking tape between the stripes of the comb so it will be more artistic.. huhuhu

Haaa.. tu dia dah lurus dah balungnya.. Biarkan selama satu atau dua minggu kemudian tanggalkan masking tape tersebut. Kalau belum berpuas hati dengan hasilnya atau masking tape dah rosak maka bolehlah diulang lagi kaedah ini sampailah balung ayamnya dah lurus. Tips ini sesuai untuk balung yang belum bengkok teruk. Kalau dah terlalu teruk bengkoknya atau dah dibiarkan bengkok terlalu lama maka agak sukar untuk dipulihkan. Selamat mencuba...

Now the comb becomes straight up.. Leave it for one or two weeks then open it. If the masking tape was tear or your serama comb's still not straight up yet so you can repeat this procedures until you satisfied with the result.. This method is suitable for a minor comb sloping. If the comb was critically sloping or was sloping for a long time it was difficult to cure. Have a good try... 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Pertandingan serama di Amerika (Serama contest at America)

The 2014 APA National 06.11.2014

SCNA District V Show 22.11.2014

Monday 27 October 2014

Pertandingan serama di Malaysia dan Indonesia sepanjang bulan November (Serama contest at Malaysia and Indonesia on November)

UMS Sandakan Sabah Malaysia 01.11.2014

Dungun Terengganu 08.11.2014

Melor Kota Bharu Kelantan Malaysia 15.11.2014

Gumul Paradise Island Indonesia 16.11.2014

Taman Ular, Sg.Batu Pahat, Perlis, Malaysia 

Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Saturday 25 October 2014

Kuda Putih Malaya (The Malayan White Horse)

Slim, tinggi dan halus..
Slim, tall and small

Tunggu kot-kot boleh la selam sikit lagi..
Still waiting if he can pull his head a little bit more..

Warna putih ni kalau cutting cun boleh la tambah koleksi warna pembaka.. Huhuhu..
This white cockerel if got a nice posture so I can keep a new colour collection.. Huhuhu

Thursday 23 October 2014

Persahabatan serama (The fellowship of the serama)

Serama menjadi duta mini yang mengeratkan persahabatan..
Seramas becomes a little ambassador to united a friendship..  

Menjalinkan persahabatan samada di dalam negara atau di luar negara..
Bond a friendship among the peoples in the country or international.. 

Saling berkongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan untuk kebaikan bersama..
Sharing experiences and knowledge to get benefit for all ..

Semoga dengan persahabatan yang terjalin membawa rahmat kepada semua dan tidak pula berubah menjadi api permusuhan.. Amin..
Hopefully the friendship that we build becomes a goodness for all and not turn into a crisis.. Ameen..

Saturday 11 October 2014

Misi selesai.. (The mission accomplish)

Sekarang dia sudah boleh beraksi di atas meja tanpa kurungan..
Now he can perform on a table top without a cage..

Dulu Kuda Liar sekarang dah jadi kuda jinak..
Before this he was a Wild Horse but now he become a tame horse..

Kasi mandi bersih-bersih dulu sebelum sesi rakaman video..huhuhu
Takes bath to be clean first before videos shooting session.. huhuhu 

Video Kuda Liar Malaya versi bebas tanpa kurungan.. Layannn..
The Malayan Wild Horse video's free without cage version.. 

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Video Boomerang Malaya (Boomerang Malaya Video's)

Sejuk mata memandang...
Nice looking..

Ayam jenis berani... boleh layan tinju dengan ayam ni.. hahaha
The brave chicken... you can enjoy boxing with him.. hahaha 

Monday 6 October 2014

Boomerang Malaya

Kategori anak B
B chicks category

Makin tarik makin menarik
The more head pull the more interesting

Mungkin boleh selam di masa hadapan... Insyaa Allah.
Maybe can have a fully head pull posture in the future..

Sunday 5 October 2014

Diva Malaya

Induk sangat kecil dan selam tenggelam
Very small hen and fully head pull posture

Cantik tetapi susah dijaga
Beautiful but difficult to take care

Sangat berisiko tinggi untuk rosak kerana struktur badannya sangat rapuh
Very high risk to get damage because her posture very fragile 

Saturday 4 October 2014

Sepasang anak A (A couple of chicks)

Macam comel jer..
Maybe can be awesome.. 

Macam cun jer..
Maybe can be gorgeus.. 

Macam kiut jer..
Maybe can be marvellous..

Wednesday 1 October 2014