Thursday 26 June 2014

Induk super selam bawa anak (Super head pull seramas hen taking care of her chicks)

Induk yang baik..
 A good mother..

Super selam dengan saiz triple A..
Super head pull and triple A in size..

Jarang ada induk yang sepertinya.
Very rare to found a serama hen like her.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Serigala Ganas dah dewasa (Serigala Ganas was adult already)

Lawinya sudah muncul
His sword tails was appear

Gaya lonjak selam yang makin mengancam
His straight chest up style and fully headpull style was improve.

Sedia untuk menjadi pembaka sepenuh masa
Ready for fulltime breeding purpose

Thursday 12 June 2014

Reban kecil yang tidak pernah sunyi (The never empty little farm)

Sentiasa ada generasi baru.
Always have the new generations.

Ada anak dara..
There is a young girl..

Ada juga anak teruna..
There is also have a young boy..

Sunday 8 June 2014

Serama-King.... USA Show 20.09.2014

Congratulation!!!... It must be a great show.. Have a nice day..

Saturday 7 June 2014

Selam la jugak akhirnya (Lastly he can make a fully headpull)



Haa.. Bolehpun..
Yes he can...

Friday 6 June 2014

Misteri Malaya

Dada dah besar..
Got a big chest..

Leher dah cangkuk..
curve neck..

Warna masih misteri sebab mama dia warna unik sikit..
His colour still in mystery because his mom's colour is unique..

Thursday 5 June 2014

Golden Malaya

Namanya Golden Malaya. Warna yang popular dalam pertandingan serama..
His name is Golden Malaya. Famous colour in a serama contest..

Berani dan bergaya adalah ciri-ciri serama juara..
Brave and got styles are the characters of a champion..

Biarkan anak bersama induk untuk merangsang sifat semulajadi induk iaitu boleh bertelur, mengeram dan menjaga anak dengan baik.
Lets the chicks with their mom so it can stimulate the mom's nature to laying eggs, incubating their eggs and take care of their chicks nicely.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Titus Malaya

Anak Terminator juga..
Also the Terminator's offspring..

Yang sekor ni susah nak ambil gambar dia. Asyik dok sembunyi belakang dada mama dia saja..
This one is very difficult to snap her picture. Always hiding behind her mom's chest.

Anak mama ni.. Tak pasti lagi jantan ke betina.. Teka saja macam betina.
The mom's daughter.. Actually I'm not really sure her gender.. I just guest maybe female.

Monday 2 June 2014

Titan Malaya

Anak kepada Terminator Malaya..
The Terminator Malaya's offspring..

Mula menonjolkan kemampuannya..
Start showing his ability..

Masih dalam asuhan mama dia.. Lagi nampak ganas bila dekat dengan mama dia.
Still under his mom's training.. His character increases when getting nearest to his mom.