Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Tips membezakan warna ara atau merah. (How to differentiate the ara colour or red colour)

Perhatikan warna bulu tengkuk kedua-dua ayam ini. Hampir sama tapi tidak serupa.
Look at the feathers colour at the neck of the both rooster. Quite similar but not same.

 Warna Ara - kuning + hijau + merah.
Ara colour - yellow + green + red

Warna Merah - merah + perang
Red colour - red + maroon  

Nota : Ramai juga orang menyebut gambar pertama tu warna ara muda dan gambar yang kedua tu warna ara tua. Terpulanglah pada pendapat masing-masing nak cakap warna apa yang berkenan di hati untuk serama kita.
Note : Many Malaysian people also call the first picture is bright ara colour and the second picture is dark ara colour. It is up to us to call what ever colour that we want for our seramas.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Video klip terbaru Putra Malaya (The latest video clip of Putra Malaya)

Jom layan video klip lagi. Ni tengah rajin ambik video, pe kata kita layannn video klip Putra Malaya pulak.  
Lets enjoy video clip again while I'm enjoy taking video clips.

Ayam yang jarang-jarang dipertontonkan kerana dah lama dok bertapa kat kampung di Kelantan. Tengok cutting tak berapa cantik tapi bila letak atas meja dia berani dan ada gaya rupanya.
Very rare to be presenting in this blog because he was at my village at Kelantan for a long time. Don't have very nice body posture but he was a brave rooster and got style when put on a table.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Video klip terbaru Serigala Malaya (The latest video clip of Serigala Malaya)

Rasanya dah banyak postkan gambar ayam ni tapi baru sedar rupanya satu jer video aksi dia kat dalam blog ni... tu pun masa remaja dulu... Ni dia video klip terbaru aksi Serigala Malaya nak bagi puas hati....Layannn.
Actually many pictures of this rooster was posted in this blog. I just realized that only one video clip of this rooster was view in this blog a long time ago. Now I present to you the latest video clip of  Serigala Malaya... just enjoy it.  

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Taikun Malaya

 Anak tunggal Tsunami Malaya
The first chicks of  Tsunami Malaya

 Jantan kot... tu yang letak nama Taikun. Kalau tiba-tiba salah ramalan dia jadi betina kena tukar nama la ek.... Kite boh nama Taikuna pulok. Huhu... Apakan daya nama tu penting untuk memudahkan kita sendiri mengenali ayam-ayam kita dan mudah menyebutnya kalau ada kawan-kawan yang tanya ayam mana satu??.
Maybe he will be a male chicken. So I put his name Taikun. If my prediction was wrong so I must change his name to Taikuna.. Huhu... The name is important for us to identified our seramas and easy to explain to another people.

Tengah belajar menyelam dengan mama dia.
Learn how to got fully stretch back from his moms.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Delima Malaya - remaja (Delima Malaya - teenagers)

Warna macam mama dia
Her colour like her moms 
Cutting macam mama dia juga
Her cutting also like her moms 
Tinggi sikit dari mama dia.
Taller than her moms. 
Boleh dikatakan dia ni memang anak mama.
She was the mummy's daughter.
Inilah mama dia sebelum dijual masa kat kampung.
This is her mom's before I sold her at my home town.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Wira Malaya - Muda (Wira Malaya - Young)

Baru lepas sakit
After being sick
Belum pulih sepenuhnya lagi
Not fully cured yet
Adik beradik satu tetasan dengan Waja Malaya
Waja Malaya's brother and sister 
Apa yang saya suka pada ayam muda ini ialah balungnya tak sendeng ...Alhamdulillah.
What I like about this young cockerel is his crown was not sloping.. Alhamdulillah. 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Betik Malaya - remaja (Betik Malaya - teenagers)

Dah mula nampak cutting sikit-sikit
Start showing nice body cutting

 Gayapun jugak nampak dah ada la sikit. Takde masa nak latih dia ni. Kesian.
Also start showing his style. I have no times to train him. So pity.

Balung lilin, merah menyala dengan bilahnya tersusun rapi. Tapi besar dan lembut sikit balungnya ni, mungkin ikut jadi sendeng macam abang dan papa dia. Sabor jer la labuuu....Huhuuu
His crown is waxy, shiny red colour and nice arrangement. But the crown a little bit bigger and soft maybe will be sloping just like his daddy and his brother. Just be patient... labuuu....Huhuuu

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Pembuka Tahun Baru (The Opening of New Year)

Waja Malaya masuk kategori muda dengan cutting slim, tinggi dan halus
Waja Malaya goes to Young Categories with slim and tall cutting. 

Warna kuning bersih
Bright yellow colour  

Tapi apakan daya balungnya sendeng ikut papa dia..,, Punah harapan. Huhu. 
But his crown was sloping like his daddy.... my hope was ruin. huhu.

Ayam aktif dan bergaya, aksesori lainpun mantop cuma balung jer yang tak sempurna.
Active and stylish cockerel, the others accessories was nice but the only one was not perfect is his crown.